Here we are, once again, about to share in the quintessential American holiday of Thanksgiving on Thursday November 22, 2018. As with so many of my wonderfully heart-connected UB Ministers throughout the world, Thanksgiving has always held a special place in my heart and in my home. The concept of serving others and of sharing my bounty with family and friends who are like family, has always been especially meaningful to me.
With the sounds of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade as a delightful soundtrack to all of the slicing, dicing and mixing happening in the kitchen, I am reminded of countless beloved people and happy memories from years gone by. I am also deeply aware of the palpable sense of gratitude that floods my entire system. Gratitude that I have always had a home, gratitude that I have always been able to provide wonderful food for myself and for those I hold most dear. Gratitude for my health, my resources and gratitude for the sheer knowingness that the more gratitude I express to the Universe, the more God blesses me with to be grateful for! It’s part of the beautiful circle of Life.
However, just as it has always been throughout the ages, there are many of God’s children around the world who are not as fortunate as I am. It’s that awareness that always encourages me to hold in my heart and mind prayers for all of God’s children, no matter their race, religion or background, that they too find their way to warmth, safety and loving care. Perhaps as UB Ministers who walk and work in the Light of Divine Service, as a unit we can all remember those less fortunate as well on this day of grateful thanksgiving. As we extend our circle of gratitude beyond the dining table and all of the delicious food and libations, we can consciously send our prayers outward into our neighborhoods, communities, states, countries and throughout the entire Planet. This year on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2018, may we of Universal Brotherhood be a voice unified in truth, honor, hope and dignity, spreading a sense of kindness and hospitality to everyone we encounter physically, and to all those we hold in our minds and hearts.
As we are blessing our Thanksgiving Day feast, may we also remember the many troops stationed around the world, protecting our freedoms and rights to enjoy this American holiday. From the first toast to the last bite of pumpkin pie, please treasure the moments, enjoy the closeness of loved ones and sit in deep gratitude for all that is good in your life.
Please know that you are held in the hearts and minds of not only the Founders of Universal Brotherhood, Rick and Jeni Prigmore, but by every member of the Corporate Board, including our Executive Director, Robin Morini. We shower you with love and genuine affection on a daily basis and are all better for your participation and your presence in this important ministry. May abundant blessings grace your life and the lives of all you hold dear.
A very Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Rosemary Cathcart,