Greetings of the Season, to all of our dear friends and fellow Ministers, each of us
celebrating in our own way during this magical month of Light and Love.
Hanukkah came early this year, starting on November 28 th and of course,
Christmas was celebrated a month later on December 25 th . I am trusting and
holding in my heart the prayer/wish that each of you celebrated with those you
hold most dear, and that good health is yours now and always.
God’s gift of Light came into the World once again with the Lighting of the
Menorah on each of the 8 days of celebration ~ affirming once again, not only for
Jews around the World, but for all of us, that God’s gifts of sacred oils and
purification are available to each of us who truly believe in Miracles.
Christmas reminds us that the hope of that celebration for Christians and the
courage and faith of the Jews are more alike than not. I have always believed that
the “name” we call our faith practice pales in comparison to the deeper held beliefs
we share as Children of God. We are all meant to shine our LIGHTS in the World,
and there is no better time than in the month of December in which to shine;
celebrating the birth of the Christ Child and those magically burning wicks.
We are all born of miracles, making the mantra, “Miracles upon Miracles and
Wonders shall never cease”, a timely reminder to us all of who we truly are.
Now here we are in the blink of an eye, and another year is coming to a close! My
sincere hope for us is that we are able to create or re-create our World as a place of
honor, integrity, peace and hope for one and all. For myself, I will be looking at
2022 as “My Year of Personal Balance and Healing”, devoting time to creating a
year focused on guidance from The Holy Spirit, anchored in Love and directed by
the dictates of Common Sense. Good words, but they hold the bar high, and my
wish is that I am up to the task! Your prayers are most welcomed.
Please know that we are all Miracles in Progress ~ on behalf of our Universal
Brotherhood Board of Directors, our Founders, Rick and Jeni Prigmore and our
Executive Director, Robin Morini, may the Blessings of this New Year bring you
everything our heart desires and so much more. Shine as brightly as you can, for all
the World to see the magic you carry!
Blessings to you and to all those you hold dear,