It seems like just a moment ago, I was wishing everyone a happy and healthy New Year for 2017! Yet here we are again, at yet another gateway, and about to embark on one more 365-day adventure.
I am sending out prayers of hope and peace for every member of our UB family, and all the many citizens of the world. As I pray for others, I also pray that I am able to maintain a cheerful demeanor, no matter what surprises life might have in store.
My hopes going forward for 2018 revolve around goodness and kindness, laced with common sense and lots of love. Love being the key factor for me in every encounter. I hope I am able to remember that lofty ideal in my most clumsy moments when I’m overtired, hungry and short on time.
My personal wish for the New Year is to become more vulnerable and kinder to myself in every transaction, as I extend the same to others.
A year ago I shared an ancient Sufi exercise which always levels the playing field for me, reminding me that we are all children of GOD, and we all deserve sweetness, compassion and understanding. Here it is again:
Just Like Me
“Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness for themselves.
Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in their life.
Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair.
Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfill their needs.
Just like me, this person is learning about life.”
Perhaps these simple but profound words can serve as a template for right action in the year ahead. May this sweetness and compassion be woven into the fabric of every day in the coming year for you and all those you love. May you also experience the joy of accomplishment and the warmth of genuine affection.
As a Universal Brotherhood Minister, you are embraced and cherished for the part you’ve chosen to play on the world stage. You are never alone and are always considered “family” to our Founders, Rick and Jeni Prigmore, our Executive Director, Robin Morini, to our Corporate Board and to me. May your Light continue to shine brightly throughout all of 2018, and may you know peace, love, clarity and ease.
Blessings to you and to all those you hold dear,