A Moment of OM – September 16, 2011

Today’s offering comes from an ancient source – unnamed.
Following a minor surgery, a dear Neighbor/Friend loaned me her Book of Runes (with the pouch of tiles/stones) to entertain myself as I sit more than usual…

I’m delighted to find quite a few thought provoking, metaphysical words and references. . .

Thought you might enJOY this – it touched me deeply.


“God within me, God without,
How shall I ever be in doubt ?
There is no place where I may go
And not there see God’s face, not know
I am God’s vision and God’s ears.
So through the harvest of my years
I am the Sower and the Sown,
God’s Self unfolding and God’s own.”


That’s it for now, Dear Ones.
See you next Friday, JJ

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