The sky’s a little brighter now,
One new star’s been added.
Earth, bereaved, remembering, counts its blessings at his hands and from his heart made lighter.
Faces in many countries
Lit up as his deep voice pronounced their names
and greeted them in their own language.
Now, devoid of his helping spirit and caring heart,
A number of worthy causes make efforts
to replace the irreplaceable – Greg – on their guiding teams.
He’s still there, of course, reminding all that each has a unique voice
and a significant role to play –
From at-risk teens to great grandparents;
Seeking to bring comfort when their world feels cold, uncaring.
This man, who loved and loves his family; championing not only his progeny,
but encouraging the close relationships of others.
He stood for closeness with those we cherish:
picturing (with his camera’s lens) and out-picturing (with his great heart and caring ways)
the great value of remembering the special days in others’ lives.
True – this planet is poorer, colder at this moment, as it mourns his passing;
Yet, richer by far for his glowing presence through these 80 years.
We miss you, Dear Friend,
and hold close to our hearts the precious memories you helped us build.
Shine on, Bright Soul.
Shine on.
Our up-turned faces seek your light still.