Into most of our lives, there come moments when we realize that we’ve been given a “cross-roads” where this moment is a breath of Life; and perhaps the last one in this particular lifetime. I’ve passed through several of those places since I’ve inhabited this particular body. One such came in 2002. When I realized that that particular brush with the Eternal Gateway was not to be, I wrote quite a bit. I’ve found that times of stress and stretching often bring me fresh insights. Recently there have been two Beloved Friends who have faced their Soul’s “Decision Time”; and perhaps what I wrote way back then might express how THEY feel too. As you look back, maybe it even reflects YOUR thinking.
“A Now Moment”
In this Sacred Morning
My Soul rises to give thanks.
In this peaceful time,
Just beyond the dawn,
My Heart sings its gratitude…
With this breath
I inhale All of Life.
I am communing
With awakening birds;
With last night’s raindrops,
Still clinging to freshly washed leaves.
In my very being, I embrace
The Beloved Friends
Who helped me heal the “ills” of yesterday;
And encourage me
As I walk forward into TODAY.
See you next Friday, Dear Ones. Blessings and Peace Be with You, Jení